Over the years I’ve found boat sewing projects a life saver. On a boat it always seems you’re looking for a custom product that just fits your need. I’m a foodie, so good food is a staple on the boat, and goes with that is galley wear for both preparing food and serving food. Items…
Category: Boat Projects

How to Sew a Simple Salad Bag Perfect for the Boat
I’m always looking for ways to better store produce on the boat. I stumbled onto a cloth salad bag online and thought it would be great for the boat. Fresh produce is a precious commodity on the boat, so whenever I can find ways to extend their life and reduce plastic I’m happy! I sewed…

Perfect Sewing Away for Toast on a Boat
Sewing projects for the boat are my favorite. While it’s always nice to sew something custom at home, boat sewing gives me the satisfaction that I’ve solved a boat challenge I don’t get from house (or land sewing). Boats are always unique, and it can be next to impossible to find what you need in…

New Custom Boat Bimini!
After 10 fantastic years of use, this past summer it came time to replace our custom boat bimini. Our boat doesn’t have the standard bimini cover with a frame, it came with what I’m guessing is a home job, a bar lashed to the backstays with canvas. At some point in the future I would…

Easy Wine Bags for Your Boat
If I had only discovered wine bags sooner! Over the years you master wine storage on a sailboat. Each boat is unique for storage offerings and it takes time to get a system that works. Aka beer goes there, hard alcohol goes over there, mixes, wine, …pop etc. But at the end of the day…

Galley Problem Be Gone!
I love sewing projects that solve a problem. On the boat I like to hang my galley linens (tea towels and dish cloths) over the oven door handle. They are completely accessible while I’m working in the galley and it maximizes the space. I don’t need to lean and stretch to reach them, or hang…

An Easy Essential Boat Sewing Project!
With the warm weather here, it’s officially happy hour in the cockpit season! As I look at my cockpit I realize it is definitely time for new canvas on the surrounding life line and railings. You can make all the effort in the world for a cozy cockpit for drinks, but if your surrounding canvas…

DIY New Winch Covers!
After far too many years of not having winch covers I decided it was time to try sewing them. They seem overly expensive if you can even find them at all in stores, and then when you do they never have great pattern options! Winch covers may not be for everyone, but I found I…